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Businesswoman closes her eyes
Body & Soul

The perfect office day: more health and peace in everyday life

The alarm clock rings again - thanks to the snooze function. And you're late again. You quickly rush to the shower. You have to skip breakfast today - there's not even enough time for a coffee. No traffic jams now. Yes, and the children still have to go to school. This is how a typical working morning begins for many professionals. Pretty exhausting? We think so too.

We can't help you change your life completely, but with these simple tips you can bring some peace, health and fitness into your everyday life.

7.00 a.m.

Quickly read the news online, check emails and see what the stock market has to report? Radio and television are usually on on the side ... even though you're already running late? The flood of media in the morning pushes our stress levels up before we are even properly awake.

Therefore: concentrate on what is happening around you. Think about what is on your agenda. Take a deep breath before you start your day. Leave out the virtual world. Listen to your favorite music at home or in the car. Singing and dancing in the morning lifts your spirits. Are you traveling by train? Read your favorite book. When else do you get around to it?

9.00 a.m.

So many tasks and far too few working hours? We are often demotivated in the morning. All I can say is: you won't get everything done, no matter what you set out to do! Set yourself priorities, divide your work according to importance and, if possible, try to define more generous buffers when completing your tasks. Set aside a third of your working day for unforeseen tasks. Check emails in batches rather than immediately so that you are not constantly distracted. And most importantly: take this approach to heart with your employees too! Only then will communication run smoothly.

1.00 p.m.

Ten minutes until the end of the lunch break. Just a quick check of private emails or a Facebook status update. There's always something to do. No! Instead, take a ten-minute walk around the block, breathe in and out deeply, feel the air and reflect on yourself - before the working day starts the next round.

3.00 p.m.

Hand on heart: How much water or tea (coffee doesn't count!) have you drunk today? Most people drink far too little. Your body loses up to three liters of water a day. How much water it needs depends on factors such as body weight, outside temperature or sporting activities. As a general guideline, you should drink at least two liters of water a day to stay hydrated. Forgetting to drink? Put a carafe of water on your desk and drink it throughout the day. There are also helpful apps to help you remember to drink, such as Hydro Coach or Drink Water.

16.00 hrs

One meeting follows the next and your tank is already empty. You'd really like to go home now. But unfortunately, the next meeting is already coming up. Now is exactly the right time for a short break. Get yourself a coffee, open the window and move around a bit. Or close your eyes and breathe in and out deeply. Your energy will quickly return.

6.00 p.m.

The working day is over. And so are you. Now it's time to do the shopping, tidy up the apartment and put the children to bed. Realize that an active day should ideally have no more than 15 hours. Remember that you also need a break - whether it's in the form of sport, reading or watching a movie. You won't be any less hard-working if you break up your tasks into small chunks and don't do everything at once.

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