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Businesswoman Moving break at the workplace
Body & Soul

Video: Moving break at the workplace

Why the moving break?

Office job, home office, driving: Germans spend an average of 8.5 hours a day sitting (DKV report, 2021). So we sit too much - and often in awkward positions. Back pain or tension in the shoulder and neck area are inevitable. 

Sport can only compensate for this to a limited extent. It is important to break up the long periods of sitting with small movement units, for example by taking a break with movement. This helps to loosen up the neck muscles and prevent back pain.

Bring movement into your daily work routine with #pmebewegt

These two stretching exercises from pme trainer Fjodor are ideal for in-between - whether in the home office or (in an unobserved moment) at the office coffee machine. And best of all, they are quick and easy to do and suitable for everyone.

The stretching exercises loosen up your back and leg/buttock muscles for the whole day. Do these exercises one after the other or separately.

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Trainer and yoga instructor Fjodor Kendzierski shows two effective 5-minute exercises in the video.

Stretching exercise 1:

  1. Place your hands on a raised surface, such as a chair (without castors) or the office desk.
  2. Now place your feet backwards until your upper body is horizontal to the floor and your elbows are fully extended.
  3. Push through your hips with your knees slightly bent. Pull your sternum forward. Your head is horizontal to the floor between your arms.
  4. Exhale: sink a little deeper.
  5. Inhale: Press your hands into the table. The upper body rises slightly. 
  6. Breathe out again. The body sinks down again.

Repeat this a few times. Note: With each exhalation, the upper body sinks a little lower than before. You can try to push your knees through as you exhale.

Stretching exercise 2:

  1. Do a lunge. Stand with your left leg bent backwards. Press your hands into your hips.
  2. Caution: The hips must be straight and the hip bones should be level.
  3. Stretch your hands up above your head. Your gaze follows. Breathe in.
  4. Exhale. Pull your elbows down along your body and hold this position. Pull the shoulder blades together at the back, the elbows follow slightly backwards.
  5. Tense your buttocks and breathe in and out slowly a few times.
  6. On the next inhalation, stretch your arms up over your head.
  7. Exhale. Bring your hands to your sides. Step forward and close your feet.
  8. Change legs and repeat this exercise a few times alternately.

You can repeat these stretching exercises daily. Gradually increase the intensity and number of repetitions. Your hips and back will thank you for it.

#pmebewegt: funny videos and exciting online courses to join in!

We have developed #pmebewegt to incorporate more movement into everyday life: We use short, funny videos to show you how to integrate more exercise into your everyday life.

Our online courses take place live and are suitable for everyone: From a short, moving break at your desk to sofa yoga, for which you don't even have to leave the couch, to a morning abs, legs & bums workout, there's something for everyone.

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