Lonely at Christmas in old age: 3 tips
Winter is a time of loneliness for many elderly people and those in need of care: their spouse may have passed away some time ago, their children have families of their own or live too far away to spend Christmas with grandma or grandpa. Loneliness and depressive thoughts then spread particularly quickly during the festive season. But something can be done about this.
1. there is a wide range of offers for senior citizens almost everywhere
Remember: loneliness affects many people. So you are not alone in your situation. Games clubs, coffee mornings, sport and exercise, cell phone courses - there are offers for older people almost everywhere - even at Christmas time. They are offered by churches, charities and multi-generational houses. Our tip: overcome your shyness and get to know new people.
2. there is money for social participation for people in need of care
People in need of care with a care level who are cared for in their own four walls are entitled to so-called relief benefits amounting to 125 euros per month. The money can be used not only for household support, but also for social participation. This can include walks, board games, conversations or accompaniment to appointments. However, the prerequisite is that the service providers are recognized by the care insurance companies.
3. telephone counseling to combat loneliness and isolation
Are you physically too restricted and feel isolated? Having someone to talk to can counteract depressive moods. The Catholic and Protestant Church's telephone counseling service is available 24 hours a day on 0800/111 0 111 and 0800/111 0 222.
The Humanist Association of Germany Berlin-Brandenburg will also be operating a help hotline for lonely people in Berlin from December 24 from 12:00 noon until January 1 at 12:00 noon. Call the toll-free number 0800 4 70 80 90 to share your day and your worries.
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To the data protection settings "Do you know older, lonely people? Don't look away. Offer your support.