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Personality analysis with LINC

Strengths analysis: pme relies on LINC

Personality is a key success factor for managers, employees and teams. Our certified coaches use the LINC Personal Profiler (LLP) to analyze the strengths and development potential of your employees and provide support in consultations and coaching sessions.

Personality is becoming a key success factor in our digitalized and complex working world. However, unreflected patterns of behavior slow down managers and teams. Development opportunities are often not fully exploited or remain hidden.

The LINC Personality Profiler (LPP) - a scientifically based online tool for analyzing and describing personality - provides targeted and sustainable support for development processes at an individual or team level. With the help of a meaningful results report and subsequent development measures, we show you new paths for personal and professional development.

How it works: personality development with the LINC Personality Profiler

Martina Bading is a life coach at pme Familienservice and explains how the LINC Personal Profiler works:

What is LINC profiling?

The LINC PERSONALITY PROFILER is an instrument for analyzing and describing personality. The LPP captures our character according to the "Big Five" model (How do I behave?), our motives (What drives me?) and our competencies (What skills do I have?). In modern psychology, these three areas are regarded as the essential building blocks of personality.

How does LINC work in practice?

The clients fill out an online questionnaire where they evaluate and prioritize statements in terms of the extent to which they apply to them. It takes about 30 minutes to complete. This is followed by an individual evaluation text (LPP report), which is discussed with the coach.

What added value does the use of personality profiling bring?

The LPP enables a better understanding of one's own personality. It also provides an impetus for self-reflection and personal development. In addition, you receive impulses for action in the areas of communication, working style, cooperation, leadership and negotiation.

LINC also gives us clues as to what we can learn from others, especially from people who have completely different character traits to ourselves. This enables a helpful change of perspective. Additional evaluations with an in-depth profile on topics such as leadership, resilience, founding or agility can provide valuable insights into where our strengths and development potential lie.

How does LINC inspire our work?

LINC is a tool that can be consulted for specific questions. It gives us a better insight into our personality traits and areas of development. In couples counseling, for example, the LPP creates more understanding for the partner. Questions such as "Where can differences lead to conflict?" or "Where do we have similarities?" are enriching for the partnership.

For the in-depth profiles, a "mask" is placed over the evaluation, so to speak, which shows, for example: What competencies, skills and character traits does a manager need? This mask is compared with my development potential. LINC shows how I can learn or compensate for certain skills, for example.

Are there risks and side effects when using LINC?

Each LPP includes a feedback session with a certified trainer or coach. This is where the tool is explained and the client's fit and personal assessment are discussed.

Strengths and development potential are worked out together. During the process, the coach works with the client to determine which additional skills would be helpful in coping with a situation that is currently perceived as stressful.

Is LINC available to all our clients?

This depends on the contractual arrangement; LINC is not available to all our cooperation partners. If you are interested, please contact your business customer advisor.

LINC: an instrument with many possible applications

We use the LINC Personality Profiler tool in these areas:

  • Life-phase-oriented work in life coaching.
  • Personal development and working on strengths.
  • Stress prevention and resilience.
  • Management development.
  • Team development.
  • Outplacement process.

How our coaches work with LINC:

  • Our coachees are certified LINC Professional Profilers.
  • Our offer is based on the Big Five model, the standard model of modern personality psychology.
  • The personality and team structure is viewed holistically (character, motives, skills).
  • You receive online-based questionnaires and digitized, comprehensible results reports.
  • We support you in the evaluation and development discussions.
  • We guarantee you practicality and sustainability.
  • We work systemically in various areas of personnel and management development as well as in life coaching and integrate LINC into other instruments - to suit you and your strategy.

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pme Familienservice: Your partner for personality and team development

  • We combine over 25 years of experience and expertise in our specialist and core areas with a professional and human view of the big picture.
  • Our team of coaches and trainers is committed to the highest quality standards.
  • In our teams and in our leadership, we exemplify what we bring to people and companies.
  • We work in a preventative, solution-oriented and sustainable manner.
  • We are experienced in online formats and have been professionals in webinars and online coaching for many years. 
  • We guarantee practical transfer and sustainability.

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