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Parents with two children sit laughing together on the floor in the living room
Parent & Child

More money for families: legal changes in 2025

There is good news for families at the start of the year: child benefit has increased from 250 euros to 255 euros per month per child, and the child allowance has risen by 60 euros. In addition, the minimum wage has been raised and with it the earnings threshold for mini-jobs.

Child benefit is a central component of family support

Child benefit is one of the most important benefits for families in Germany and is paid regardless of income. It helps parents to cover the costs of their children and provides a basic monthly allowance that is paid regardless of the parents' financial situation.

How high will child benefit be in 2025?

From January 2025, child benefit will increase by 5 euros from 250 euros to 255 euros per month for each child. 

The immediate supplement will also increase by 5 euros to 25 euros per month. This means that the maximum monthly amount of the child supplement 297 euros per child.  

Who is entitled to child benefit?

Anyone who lives in Germany and is subject to unlimited income tax liability is entitled to child benefit in accordance with sections 62 et seq. of the German Income Tax Act (EStG). For families, this is a reliable contribution to covering current expenses. 

Which children are entitled to child benefit?

Child benefit is generally available: 

  • for all children up to the age of 18,
  • for children who are in education up to the age of 25,
  • and for unemployed children up to the age of 21.

If a child is unable to start or continue training due to a lack of a training place, he or she is still considered to be in training and remains included in the entitlement period.

Who receives child benefit?

Child benefit is paid to the person who looks after the child. If the child lives with both parents, they can decide which of them should receive the child benefit. 

Parents who live abroad and are not subject to unlimited tax liability in Germany can also receive child benefit under certain conditions, for example if they are subject to compulsory insurance with the Federal Employment Agency or carry out certain activities abroad. 

Application for and payment of child benefit

The application is usually straightforward and can be made online, so families can receive support quickly. Orphans or children who do not know their parents have the option of applying for child benefit themselves. 

Further information on applying for child benefit can be found on the family portal of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

Child benefit is paid out by the family benefit offices at the employment agencies.
Further information on applying for child benefit can be found on the family portal of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.  

Child allowances and tax relief for families

The child allowance offers tax relief for families. As part of the income tax assessment, the tax office automatically checks whether the tax-free allowance for children or the child benefit is the more favorable option. Parents therefore do not have to apply for this separately.  

The tax-free allowances are particularly attractive for parents with higher incomes, as they reduce the tax burden. The tax office automatically takes into account the amount that is more favorable for the family, which means that either the child benefit or the tax allowance is used. 

How high is the child allowance?

From January 2025, the child allowance will rise to 6,672 euros (3,336 euros per parent). The allowance for care, education and training needs remains unchanged at 2,928 euros (1,464 euros per parent). This results in an increase in the child allowance of 60 euros from 9,540 euros to a total of 9,600 euros per child (4,800 euros per parent). 

Is there an age limit for child allowances?

The age limits for the allowance are identical to those for child benefit.

Increasing the minimum wage and raising the mini-job earnings threshold

From January 2025, the monthly earnings limit for mini-jobs in Germany will be raised to 556 euros. This change goes hand in hand with the increase in the minimum wage to 12.82 euros per hour. 

Further information on the current changes for mini-jobs can be found on the Minijob-Zentrale website. 

Maternity protection, child benefit & co.: the pme parent advice service

Our parent counselors support parents in all matters from pregnancy to the child's adulthood.  

Personal and confidential: We are there for you online, by phone and on site. You can find more information on the pme parent counseling page.   

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