Parent & child: Our support for families
Reconciling work and family life is a challenge that many parents face every day. As a company and EAP pioneer dedicated to supporting employees, we have made it our mission to ease the burden on families and offer solutions to their challenges.
This gave rise to our "Childcare" product area with comprehensive advice and support services relating to childcare and parenting issues. Due to this diverse range of services, we have renamed the "Childcare" area "Parent & Child".
The challenges facing parents today
Modern parents are often confronted with a variety of demands: successfully managing their careers, looking after and raising their children and keeping the family together without losing themselves.
Parents are often faced with a multitude of decisions and challenges that require time, energy and often know-how: How and where can I have my child looked after? Which school should it go to? Does my child need special support? Where can I get information?
This can be overwhelming, especially in hectic times when care solutions need to be found at short notice or special support is required.
Our counseling services are designed to accompany and support parents and families at all stages of life - from pregnancy to teenage years.
Our "Parent & Child" product area
With our new "Parent & Child" brand, we are not only bundling our extensive range of advice and services for families, but also highlighting the valuable synergies between our products.
The renaming is more than just a new name: it stands for our solution-oriented offering, with which we can respond specifically to the individual needs of parents and customers - and that goes far beyond childcare.
With this broader and holistic approach, we ensure that families find comprehensive support from us - regardless of the stage of life or the specific challenges they face.
Our offers at a glance
With "Parent & Child", we offer comprehensive advice and support on the following topics:
- Fertility & pregnancy: Whether it's advice on pregnancy issues or support with family planning - we accompany parents during this special phase.
- Maternity protection, parental leave & parental allowance: We provide information on legal regulations and help with planning parental leave and applying for parental allowance. We inform you about the funding options to which your family is entitled and provide support with the application process.
- Search for crèches, kindergartens & childcare centers: Finding the right childcare is often a major challenge. We support you in your search for a suitable facility.
- Childcare, nannies, babysitters & au pairs: Private childcare can be the right solution for childcare needs outside of childcare center and school. We provide qualified and certified caregivers.
- School & vacation care: From the start of school to vacation planning - we provide comprehensive advice on all school-related topics and offer a varied, nationwide vacation program.
- Young people & education: As children get older, they face new challenges. We help with career guidance and provide support with training issues.
- Back-up & emergency care: Sometimes things turn out differently than planned. We offer short-term solutions for emergency care when help is needed spontaneously and provide professional childcare around the clock in our nationwide back-up centers.
- Family law & finances: In the event of separation, divorce or adoption, many questions arise regarding rights, obligations and finances. We provide guidance and legal advice.
Special support for special situations
In some cases, families need special support. We therefore also provide advice on specific topics such as ADHD or learning difficulties, or on challenging family issues such as conflicts, separations or the death of a beloved family member.
We provide assistance with questions relating to the development of children and young people, for example on puberty, stress at school and resilience, as well as media consumption and addiction.
Support for expats and foreign employees and their families
Families who are new to Germany or have been living in Germany for some time often face additional challenges. With our special "Go Germany" advice for expats, we help families from abroad to find their feet in their new environment:
Be it in the search for suitable childcare, understanding the German education system or important regulations such as powers of attorney and living wills. We also provide support in navigating the social security and health insurance system to ensure that families can settle in quickly and easily.
This article provides you with comprehensive information about our "Go Germany" consulting service.