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Care advice via chatbot
Age & care

Carebot helps with questions about caring for relatives

Our care chatbot provides HR managers, executives and employees with answers to questions about care insurance and the organization of care.

A care case usually occurs suddenly. From one moment to the next, important questions need to be clarified and care needs to be organized. Our digital helper Carebot provides relief and guidance in organizing care.

Important questions answered in seconds

From now on, the new Carebot will support HR managers, executives and employees with basic questions about care and care insurance. Because legislation changes regularly and relatives of people in need of care have a lot of questions, our new colleague is an indispensable support for gaining clarity. 

A selection of topics:

  • In need of care - what now?
  • Long-term care insurance benefits 
  • Relief amount
  • Applying for a care level and assessment procedure
  • Care support centers near you
  • Find advice on site

The benefits for you and your employees

  • Low-threshold access to our advisory services
  • Available anytime and anywhere
  • Quick answers to frequently asked questions

How can you use the Carebot?

We have integrated our virtual companion into My Familienservice as a free add-on for all cooperating companies. Do you have any questions or would you also like to provide your employees with the Carebot? Please get in touch with your pme contact person!

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About the pme Familienservice

On behalf of more than 1,400 employers, the pme Familienservice Group supports employees in achieving a successful work-life balance and being able to work with a clear head.

You can find out more about the pme Familienservice Group here.

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