"We can do it!". But how? In a world that challenges us anew every day, we have more questions than answers: Will an avatar soon be working in my place? What makes my relationships stable - loyalty, flexibility or something completely different? And who will take care of me in old age - an empathetic care robot or nobody? And do all these questions even make sense in view of the unmanageable state of the world?

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Work and change

In search of meaning and self-determination: will we soon be working only for machines - or will we finally find the fulfillment we were promised?
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Love and us

In search of clarity in a borderless world: what makes relationships stable today - loyalty, flexibility or something completely different?
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Ageing and us

In search of meaning and connection: how can we grow old without feeling superfluous - and perhaps even without the chaos of care?

The campaign motifs are AI-generated.

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Calendar of events

19:00 - 20:00
In this webinar you will learn how you can use high sensitivity as a strength in your everyday working life. Incl. simultaneous translation: English.
11:30 - 12:30
In this specialist lecture, you will learn how unconscious prejudices and thought patterns slow down justice and respect - and how you can recognize and overcome them.
10:30 - 12:00
Group coaching
Get ideas on what your own individual path to overcoming your self-doubt could look like.

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