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A portrait of entrepreneur Tijen Onaran
Leadership & HR

Tijen Onaran: Why is visibility so important?

Women who are visible are changing the economy - but many still face the challenge of making their voices heard. Visibility is the key to more influence, equal opportunities and real change. In this interview, entrepreneur and LinkedIn influencer Tijen Onaran talks about the power of visibility. She shows that courage does not mean the absence of fear, but the decision to act anyway. 

Tijen Onaran was recognized by Manager Magazin as one of the 100 most influential women in German business. She is an investor, entrepreneur and founder of Global Digital Women, a leading diversity consultancy. Through her work, she is committed to increasing the visibility of women in business worldwide. Experience Tijen Onaran exclusively with us on March 13.

Why is it so important to be visible?

Tijen Onaran: It's important to be visible because visibility means independence. You tell your story before others do. That's why it's so, so important that you become aware of what you can do and what you're capable of - so that others can network and connect with you.

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Many people are afraid to show themselves as they really are. How can you remain authentic without feeling vulnerable?

Tijen Onaran: First of all, I can understand why people are a bit nervous about becoming visible. Visibility also means vulnerability. But it's always better to tell your own story. Then you're in control of your own actions. And the nice thing is that you can also control the volume yourself.

So, you don't have to be loud to be visible. You can also be very visible quietly. For example, if you start liking a few things on Instagram, on LinkedIn, networking with other people or meeting up with other people for lunch. That's also a form of visibility.

What concrete steps can you take to become more courageous?

Tijen Onaran: I think courage can be learned very well in small steps by setting yourself a task every week. For example, you could go to an event on your own or write to a mentor you've always wanted to write to. Or that you distribute a Like on LinkedIn or a comment or a post.

So step by step. You can learn courage. I did that too. And now I'm pretty brave. Sometimes I lose my courage, but I'm usually very brave.

Experience Tijen Onaran live on March 13, 2025!

"Courage means being visible," says Tijen Onaran - entrepreneur and LinkedIn influencer - and shows how important self-confidence and authenticity are for personal and professional success.

Tijen Onaran: "Courage means being visible"

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