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Podcast graphic of episode 12 with the characters Olli Schmidt and Karola Kleinschmidt

Understanding burnout: What burns us out | "Cheerful to stormy"

Episode 12: Am I "just" stressed, or already on the way to burnout? Host Olli Schmidt talks to stress expert and author Carola Kleinschmidt about how we can recognize and understand the signs and take better care of our own recovery.

Insomnia, stomach ache, or simply being too exhausted in the evening to meet friends, pursue a hobby or cook something nice. All of these can be warning signs that burnout is approaching.

But what risk factors make us susceptible to burnout? Who is particularly affected? And how can we manage our own energy better and more mindfully and thus avoid falling into the stress spiral of our own expectations and external pressure?

In the 12th episode "Heiter bis stürmisch" podcast host Olli Schmidt talks to stress expert and author Carola Kleinschmidt about:

  • How can I tell that I am relaxed? 
  • What are the early warning signs of burnout? 
  • Do the symptoms of women and men differ?
  • What is the difference between burnout and depression?
  • What is a burn-on?
  • How does life go on after burnout?
  • What can I do to take better care of my recovery?

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Cheerful to stormy - the everyday podcast

Welcome to "Heiter bis stürmisch" - the everyday podcast with Olli Schmidt. Cheerful or saddened to death: life has ups and downs.

That's what we're all about: everyday crises such as arguments with your partner, parenting issues, stress at work, insecurities and anxiety. We talk to experts and give you practical tips to help you deal better with crises and challenges.

You can listen to our podcast on all known podcast platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, Audible etc.)!

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