7 sleep myths - and why they are nonsense
Eight hours of sleep is a must, a glass of red wine helps us fall asleep better, sleep before midnight is the most restful. There are many myths surrounding sleep. To mark International World Sleep Day on March 18, 2022, we are uncovering seven of the most notorious sleep myths.
1. eight hours of sleep per night is optimal
As different as people are, so different is their need for a good night's sleep. According to sleep researchers, anything between six and eight hours of sleep per night is ideal.
Seven hours plus or minus one hour is therefore quite normal. The important thing is that you feel your sleep is restful. And if it is after six hours, then you don't need any more sleep.
2. sleep before midnight is the most restful
Even if you don't fall into bed until after midnight, you don't need to fear for your healthy sleep. Sleep shortly after falling asleep is the deepest. The time of day doesn't matter - but the routine of going to bed does.
People who are used to going to bed late will also sleep deeply after midnight. If you go to bed unusually late by your standards, you will also sleep less deeply afterwards.
3. you should sleep as hard and cool as possible
This statement also belongs in the realm of myths. The firmness of the mattress to be selected depends on the person's weight. A point-elastic mattress that only gives way where the body exerts direct pressure on the mattress is therefore ideal.
You should set the room temperature between16 and 20 degrees. Also important: the bed should not be too close or even directly next to the window, but on the warmest wall.
5. a snoring partner disturbs your sleep
Your partner saws down whole forests in the night and you can't fall asleep? So the consequence is: separate beds? That doesn't have to be the case. People who are light sleepers certainly find it difficult to fall into the realm of dreams next to a loudly snoring partner.
However, French researchers have found that people who sleep soundly are not very bothered by this. It is true that sleep is somewhat lighter on nights with a partner and you wake up briefly more often. However, snoring does not interfere with restful deep sleep.
5. a glass of red wine in the evening makes us fall asleep better
There is nothing wrong with a glass of red wine as a nightcap. However, people with sleep problems should save themselves that one glass of wine. Alcohol disrupts the natural course of deep sleep and dream phases. Alcohol also impairs breathing and, in the worst case, can even lead to breathing stops (apnea). Instead of reaching for the bottle, good old warm milk with honey is the better choice.
7. if you sleep badly at night, you should take a midday nap
No way! If you have problems sleeping, then you should save your tiredness for the night and work out during the day. So get up early, make sure you get enough exercise and only go to bed when you are really tired.
But be careful! Sport stimulates the circulation and should therefore not be done just before sleep. Instead, take a leisurely walk around the block
7. sport promotes sleep
Yes, that's true. But it depends on the timing. If you work out too much just before going to bed, you are more likely to fall asleep badly. So it's better to exercise at lunchtime or in the early evening so that you have a longer rest period before going to bed. And if you still want to exercise in the evening, it's better to do gentle exercises such as yoga or Pilates.
Source: DAK Gesundheit and Apotheken Umschau