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A woman in an armchair at home stretches and yawns

Spring fatigue: 5 tips that will help you quickly

The days are getting sunnier, the temperatures are rising and we are bursting with joy and energy. We are planting on balconies, freeing bicycles from dark cellar caves and jogging through our favorite parks. Other people may be doing the same. But would you rather pull the covers over your head and do just one thing: sleep? Then you are one of those people who suffer from spring fatigue.

Where does the much-cited spring fatigue come from?

The change in weather demands a lot from our body. The warmer temperatures cause blood vessels to dilate and blood pressure to drop. This is particularly hard on those of us who already have low blood pressure. Our hormone production is also strongly affected. The increasing daylight activates the production of the mood-lifting hormone serotonin. At the same time, the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for sleep, is still highly active and has been produced in large quantities over the winter months. The interaction of these two messenger substances makes the body tired and causes circulatory problems.

Fortunately, springtime fatigue goes away on its own. It takes about two to four weeks for the body to get used to the new temperatures. If you feel exhausted and almost depressed for a longer period of time or unusually strongly, you should definitely ask your doctor for advice.

These 5 tips will help you beat spring fatigue:

1. open the windows and breathe in fresh air!

Open the window as soon as you get up in the morning and take a few deep, powerful breaths of fresh air. Cool air is a cold stimulus for the body and wakes you up. A glass of water immediately after getting up also revitalizes tired spirits, as the body dehydrates during the night.

2. alternating hot and cold showers get the circulation going

An alternating hot and cold shower in the morning stimulates circulation and blood flow and also strengthens the immune system. Just make sure you stop with cold water. Please note: cold showers are not suitable for some chronic illnesses. If you don't like showering in the morning, you can revitalize your face with a few splashes of cold water.

3. get out into the fresh air and soak up the sun!

Exercise and sunshine: both cause the body to produce the mood-lifting hormone serotonin and inhibit the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. Why not take a walk to the office tomorrow or hop on your bike instead of taking the subway or the car? If that's too far for you, simply get off the train one or two stops earlier and walk the rest of the way. If you don't feel like moving at all, you should at least stretch your tired limbs in the sun as often as possible!

Nuts make you happy and awaken your spirits. This is due to the amino acid L-tryptophan, which ensures that the body can produce the happiness hormone serotonin.

4. eat yourself awake

The amino acid L-tryptophan ensures that serotonin can be produced in the brain. Every adult should consume at least 3.5 to 6 milligrams of L-tryptophan per kilogram of body weight every day. The plant foods richest in L-tryptophan are Nuts (especially cashew nuts), beans (especially soybeans) as well as seeds (sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, amaranth, quinoa, oats, millet), wheat germ and mushrooms. Cheese and some types of fish such as mackerel and salmon also stimulate the release of the hormone serotonin.

A diet rich in protein from meat and dairy products, on the other hand, can very easily lead to chronic serotonin deficiency (protein prevents the transport of L-tryptophan into the brain). Caffeine also apparently inhibits an enzyme that would like to produce serotonin from L-tryptophan.

5. revitalize your spirit with essential oils

Essential oils are simple and very effective against springtime sluggishness. Rosemary and citrus scents such as orange and lemongrass are particularly suitable. They lift the mood, promote concentration and invigorate the mind. Rub a few drops on your wrist in the morning and smell it whenever you feel tired. Or put the oil in a fragrance lamp. Just make sure that you use 100 percent pure oils. Other products may be adulterated and can cause allergies.

We hope you feel better soon and have a lively start to spring!


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