Balancing breathing - for more balance in life
Sometimes everything is just too much! If you simply feel overwhelmed by an unpleasant stressful situation, you need an effective remedy. This balancing exercise will help you find your inner balance in a flash.
Balancing breathing is a very simple breathing exercise. It consists of just two counts from one to four and back.
- Sit comfortably on a chair and place your hands on your legs.
- Relax your face, eyes and shoulders and close your eyes.
- Breathe in deeply through your nose and mentally count from one to four.
- Breathe out deeply through your nose and mentally count from four back to one.
- Repeat the breathing five times - until relaxation occurs.
Sit back and take a few minutes to watch our personal coach and yoga teacher Fjodor Kendzierski. In the video, he shows you how to find inner strength in a short space of time with the help of balanced breathing and how correct breathing helps you to stay in control in stressful situations.
Speed is the decisive factor in this equilibrium breathing. Your breathing rate is reduced to four to six deep breaths per minute.
Conscious, slow breathing helps you to relax in exciting situations and strengthen your body when you are feeling down or anxious.
Health impulses with our 5-minute exercises
Our 5-minute exercises give you ideas for more relaxation, balance, activity and feel-good moments in your everyday work and private life. They are not a substitute for professional help from counselors and psychologists. Please seek professional advice, for example from pme Lebenslagencoaching, if you are permanently depressed, suffer from persistent disproportionate stress and have deeper mental problems.
#pmebewegt: funny videos and exciting online courses to join in!
We have developed #pmebewegt to help you incorporate more movement into your everyday life. In entertaining videos, we show you how you can integrate more movement into your everyday life.
Our online courses take place live and are suitable for everyone: From a short, moving break at your desk to sofa yoga, for which you don't even have to leave the couch, to a morning abs, legs & butt workout, there's something for everyone.
Register now: Free online yoga course
Our online yoga course is the largest in Germany and takes place every Tuesday from 20:00 to 21:30 for anyone who is interested. Be part of a growing community and register now.