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Teacher does yoga with children
Body & Soul

Healthy back at childcare center: 7 exercises with lots of fun

Small chairs, lots of bending and lifting: The job at childcare center is hard on the back. One key to prevention is to move as much as possible. Trainer Fjodor presents exercises that are not only good for your back, but are also fun to do with the children.

Tips and exercises for a healthy back

1. be kind to your back when lifting!

Don't forget to squat down and bend your knees before you pick up anything heavy. Your back will thank you!

2. care with playful back exercises for movement and fun

Small movement games are fun for children and strengthen the back muscles. Animal imitations such as the "cat hump" or the "proud peacock" are well suited. 

3. use your superhero powers!

Strengthen your core muscles with the 'Superman' exercise. To do this, lie on your stomach and raise your arms and legs as if you were flying. This will turn you into a back superhero!

4. shake a leg! 

Music and movement are great for the back. Find some upbeat music and dance together with the children to loosen up your back and have fun.

 Back pain is the number 1 cause of illness

According to data from various health insurance companies, the number of days that educational professionals and managers have been unable to work has risen continuously in recent years and is well above the national average. According to AOK figures, the average number of days of incapacity to work in 2020 was 22.7 days. In contrast, the average number of days of absence for all those insured with the company health insurance funds was only 18.2 days. Musculoskeletal disorders are the leading cause. 

Source: Employer's Liability Insurance Association for Health and Welfare (BGW)


5. have a stretching party! 

Do simple stretching exercises with the children to improve the flexibility of their backs. For example, you could invite the children to stretch like rubber bands or stretch and stretch like cats.

6. be strong, proud trees!

Take the children on an imaginary journey into the forest. Imagine that you are majestic trees that stretch their roots deep into the ground and together feel the strength and power of these trees in your back. Your spine will straighten up all by itself. 

7. create a cozy oasis for your back! 

After so much exercise, your back deserves a break. Set up a cozy corner in the childcare center with cuddly cushions and soft blankets where children and adults can relax. 

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