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Finance & Law

Applying for citizen's allowance: the most important facts in brief

What is citizen's income?

The German Basic Law states that every German citizen has a basic right to be guaranteed a minimum subsistence level worthy of human beings. This means that those who cannot cover their living expenses from their own income or assets receive a citizen's allowance.

Previously, the citizen's allowance was called unemployment benefit II - or colloquially Hartz IV and/or social benefit.

With effect from 01.01.2023, the basic income support for jobseekers in receipt of unemployment benefit II or social benefit regulated in SGB II was renamed Citizen's Allowance.

Who gets citizen's income?

Citizen's income is paid to whoever:

  • is capable of earning and entitled to benefits - i.e. is at least 15 years old,
  • is not yet of retirement age,
  • lives in Germany and
  • can work at least 3 hours a day.

The following additional requirements are taken into account:

Pregnant women from the 13th week of pregnancy until the end of the month of birth can claim an additional requirement of 17 percent.

For single parents, the amount of the additional requirement depends on the age and number of children.

Why citizen's income?

The Citizen's Income provides greater support for further vocational training. The principle of "training before a temporary job" applies:

  • Anyone who tackles further training with a degree receives a further training bonus for successful intermediate and final examinations. In addition, there is a monthly further training allowance of 150 euros.
  • For other measures that are particularly important for sustainable integration, there is a monthly citizens' allowance bonus of 75 euros.
  • It is possible to get more time to learn. Catching up on a vocational qualification can also be funded without a time limit if required.
  • Those who need basic skills, for example better reading, math or IT skills, can catch up more easily.
  • For additional earnings, the first 100 euros are free, between 100 and 520 euros 20% may be earned, from 520 to 1000 euros 30% and for gross income up to 1200 euros (with a minor child up to 1500 euros) then 10% as an additional amount.

How high is the citizen's income?

Anyone earning between 520 and 1,000 euros can now keep more of their income. The allowances in this range will be increased to 30 percent instead of the previous 20 percent. This means up to 48 euros more in your wallet than before.

In addition, the allowances for schoolchildren and students will be increased up to the current mini-job limit of EUR 520.

Apprentices are also subject to higher allowances for training pay.

Good to know: No more priority placement

The so-called placement priority, i.e. preferential placement in gainful employment, has been abolished. Further training and the acquisition of a vocational qualification are at the forefront of the citizen's allowance.

Attention: Sanctions may be imposed for breaches of duty

Reductions in benefits for breaches of duty and failure to register are possible from the start of benefit receipt. In the event of a failure to register , the standard requirement is reduced by ten percent for one month.

For the first breach of duty, such as refusing a reasonable offer of work, the standard requirement is reduced by ten percent for one month. In the case of a second breach of duty, the reduction is 20 percent for two months and in the third stage, 30 percent for three months.

Grace period for housing and assets

So that those entitled to benefits can concentrate on looking for work, a so-called waiting period applies in the first year of receiving the citizen's allowance: the actual costs of accommodation are recognized and covered, and heating costs are recognized and covered at an appropriate level. There is also a hardship provision if the person continues to use their own home.

Anyone who is dependent on citizen's allowance in future will also be allowed to keep savings during the waiting period. Assets may only be tapped if they exceed 40,000 euros , while the limit for other people in the benefit community is 15,000 euros.

Once the waiting period has expired, a bureaucratized asset check is carried out.

Increase in standard requirements

The Citizen's Income has put the calculation of standard needs on a new footing: Since January 1, 2023, the needs will no longer be adjusted retrospectively, but rather proactively in line with inflation rates. The latest available data on price trends relevant to standard needs will also be taken into account.

From 2024 the following standard requirements:

Single person / single parent
563 Euro

Couples per partner/community
506 Euro

Adults in institutions (according to SGB 12)
451 Euro

Non-working adults under 25 in their parents' household
451 Euro

Teenagers from 14 to 17 years
471 Euro

Children from 6 to 13 years
390 Euro

Children from 0 to 5 years
357 Euro

Good to know: Increase likely from 01.01.2024

The Citizen's Income is expected to be increased by 12 percent on 01.01.2024.

Where can I get more information (e.g. online citizen's income calculator)?

Further information, for example deadlines, can be found here:

Apply for a citizen's allowance

Citizen's income calculator online

Further information on the Citizen's Income

Latest newson the citizen's income

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