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BulliGarten Hannover team with facility manager Elke Hitzschke

BulliGarten Hanover: 2nd place "Children have rights" award

(Hanover, 26.11.2024). The childcare center BulliGarten Hannover was awarded second place in the nursery category in the "Children have rights" 2024 competition. The facility is a VW Commercial Vehicles company daycare center run by the pme Familienservice Group with public crèche places.

The competition is organized by the state capital of Hanover and awards prizes to child and youth work facilities that pursue creative and exemplary approaches to implementing children's rights. A jury of adults and children selected best practice examples from a total of 16 applications in the categories crèche, kindergarten and all-day care/after-school care. 

"We have a voice"

The BulliGarten won over the jury with its "We have a voice" project. The aim of the project is to give nursery children who are not yet able to express themselves verbally a voice. Great emphasis is placed on the perception and expression of feelings, dealing with values and rules as well as the use of facial expressions and gestures, for example through sign language.

"This award is recognition of our commitment to making the youngest members of our society heard and actively promoting their participation," explains Elke Hitzschke, Head of the BulliGarten Hanover facility.

The "Children have rights" award

The "Children have Rights" prize was awarded for the second time this year and aims to draw attention to children's rights and their implementation. Further information on the prize can be found at

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