Legal changes for families in 2023
The year 2023 holds numerous legal changes in store. After the crisis-ridden last two years, the German government is now introducing innovations that will ease the burden on private households. We show which measures will benefit families in particular.
Increase in child benefit and child supplement
Child benefit will increase from January 1, 2023. Families will now receive 250 euros per month for the first three children. This means a monthly increase of 31 euros for the first and second child and 25 euros for the third child. In view of the rising cost of living, the adjustment is an important measure - especially for families with a low household income.
Single parents and families on low incomes will also be supported by an increase in the child supplement. The maximum amount of the child supplement will be raised to 250 euros per month for each child.
Adjustment of maintenance payments
As part of the increase in child benefit, maintenance payments will be adjusted. From January 1, 2023, the parent liable for maintenance must pay at least 437 euros per month if the child is under six years old and the net income is less than 1,900 euros per month. The amount increases for older children and with a higher monthly income. Anyone who has to pay maintenance and works is allowed to keep at least 1,370 euros for themselves.
The Düsseldorf table is a nationally recognized guideline for maintenance requirements. Its payment amounts are updated approximately every two years and whenever there is more child benefit.
Increase in housing benefit
With the new housing benefit reform, around two million households in Germany will receive additional financial support from January 1, 2023. Previously, around 600,000 households were entitled to the payment. The amount will increase by an average of 180 euros per month to 370 euros per month.
Housing benefit helps many low-income families. Around 40 percent of housing benefit recipients are families, including many single parents.
More financial support through citizen's income
Since January 1, 2023, the Citizen's Income has replaced Hartz IV. Just like Hartz IV, the new Citizen's Income serves to provide basic security for jobseekers. Job-seeking family members will benefit from higher contributions from this year. Single parents will receive a monthly standard rate of 502 euros, which is 53 euros more. Couples will receive a monthly standard rate of 451 euros per partner, which is 47 euros more. Children under the age of 25 who are not gainfully employed and live in their parents' household will also receive 402 euros per month with immediate effect - an increase of 42 euros.
Midi-job limit increases
Since the start of 2023, the limit for midi jobs has risen from 1,600 euros to 2,000 euros. This means that employees with low incomes receive more net from gross. Midijobbers pay lower social security contributions up to a monthly gross salary of 2,000 euros.
An overview of other new legal regulations can be found on the Federal Government's website.
Source: BMFSFJ
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