Dr. Manke: This helps against back pain!
Whether it's stiff neck, a slipped disc or the famous lumbago: musculoskeletal disorders are the number one cause of sick leave at work. Revierdoc Dr. Matthias Manke is one of Germany's best-known orthopaedists and explains in an interview how to permanently counteract neck and back pain.
Dr. Manke, 80 percent of Germans suffer from back pain. At 25 percent, spinal disorders are the most common cause of incapacity for work. What are we doing wrong?
Dr. Matthias Manke: We neglect our bodies in everyday life - and when back pain occurs, we blame it on our back-stressing work - or on our bad intervertebral discs.
What we don't usually think about, however, is balancing movement in everyday life. One-sided, repetitive strain leads to problems if you don't do enough compensatory movements. Working from home at the kitchen table does not necessarily lead to neck pain, nor does an overweight person necessarily have to lose weight to be free of back pain. In line with my maxim "To move is to live", we all need to get regular and sufficient "good" exercise. In my opinion, this can reduce the risk of back pain by 80 percent.
In your book "Wenn der Orthopäde Rücken hat" you write that back pain can not only have physical causes, but also emotional or psychological reasons.
"The back is a reflection of the soul" it is said. Pain perception and transmission as well as muscle activity are regulated by our nervous system. And this system becomes more sensitive under psychological and emotional stress.
The muscle already has increased tension in its normal state, while the nerve cells are more sensitive. Both lead to a reduction in the personal pain threshold and the physical reaction with muscle tension occurs very early on. Psychological stress favors the chronification of pain. In the worst case, the pain takes on a life of its own - and the doctor can no longer find an organic cause.
What can people who sit at a desk for very long periods every day do to counteract back pain or prevent it in the first place?
My secret tip is "movement compensation". I have to put a mirror in front of or next to myself, either in my head or in reality, and recognize the position I'm in at work.
When working at a desk, our shoulders rotate forward and form the "shoulder C" while our head tilts forward. This means that our shoulder and neck muscles are constantly overstretched. What does a muscle do when it is overstretched? It loses strength - and as a result, it cramps up.
And what are we (unfortunately) doing wrong? We are stretching the cramped muscles. This may relieve the pain in acute cases, but it doesn't help in the long term. Instead, we need to strengthen our neck muscles so that they don't cramp up from permanent weakness.
What are the most common back problems among working people in general?
The most common cause is muscular imbalance. Almost every muscle in our body has an opposing muscle - and as a rule, both should harmonize in terms of strength and mobility. If they do not, the imbalance can cause discomfort. Not immediately and obviously, but slowly and often not noticeable to us at first.
Are women different from men here?
While men and women can influence the muscular system over their entire lifetime, the ligaments and bones do not fare as well. These structures are subject to an ageing process that depends on various factors. While obesity still affects both sexes, hormonal changes during pregnancy or the menopause are more likely to lead to loosening of the capsule-ligament apparatus in women.
What does nutrition have to do with a healthy back?
An unhealthy lifestyle with too many sweets and too much wheat can lead to hyperacidity of the cartilage ligament structures and in turn to a loosening of the capsular ligament apparatus in the small joints of the spine. In addition to sufficient exercise, which boosts the metabolism and helps the body to eliminate excess acid, an alkaline diet is recommended. This does not mean that you should completely avoid acid-forming foods such as meat, fish and baked goods, but make sure that at least half of a meal consists of salad, vegetables and/or fruit.
Mindfulness, healthy sleep, stress reduction: what can people do to stay fit for as long as possible?
Follow one single rule: "Take responsibility for your body!"! Treat your body like a material object that is very important to you - and that should not be damaged in any way.
Our body is a dynamic system that needs to be balanced (exercise), stressed (sport) and relieved (sufficient sleep and rest).
We all only have this one body - and we can replace certain organs and joints. Nevertheless, our own innate system is generally better than a medical replacement part. Mindfulness should not just be said - it should be lived!