Digital genius: Daddling was yesterday
Seize opportunities, prevent risks: Why digital media belong in childcare center .
Read more in this article:
- Competent handling of digital media
- Making the children's world bigger: Media education in practice
- Coding 4 Kids - how children learn to program
- Parent app: Best contact with parents
- Easier work and increased expertise for educational professionals
- Comprehensive infrastructure and comprehensive support
The tablet at the kitchen table, the smartphone in their parents' hands: children grow up with digital media as a matter of course and are fascinated by it. Experts are convinced that tablets and the like are important for learning media skills - provided they are used correctly. We support this attitude at pme Lernwelten.
Competent handling of digital media
Media education is a pedagogical focus in all of our childcare facilities from the very beginning. We primarily use the iPad to introduce the children to the competent use of digital media. For us, it is a tool for creating, documenting, researching, observing, presenting and reflecting.
The focus is on sound, responsible and development-promoting media education and human-media interaction. Digital media thus complement direct sensory experiences and play with peers and enrich these with a wide range of creative possibilities. The children use them just as actively as books or toys, they remain active creators and are encouraged to be curious and to discover.
"Media literacy is an essential skill for the future. With our media education, we give children a good foundation for a self-determined, competent and creative use of digital media. Benjamin Hendrik-Mahl, Head of Central childcare center Coordination, pme Familienservice, Apple Professional Learning Specialist
Making the children's world bigger: Media education in practice
"Making the children's world bigger": this image captures very well how children in our childcare center benefit from the use of iPads. It works even with the youngest children. We usually pick up on one of the children's interests. If children are interested in rockets, for example, we look at pictures and films of rocket launches with them and record a countdown that the children can play themselves. The children take photos of the rockets they have made with the iPad and create a portfolio page with the educational staff, which they also show to their parents.
Practical examples for crèches and childcare center
- A picture book becomes a radio play with distributed roles and sounds.
- Photos are used to create picture puzzles or memory games.
- The children take photos and use them to create a collage.
- On an excursion into nature, children explore animals and plants with an iPad and digital microscope.
- Self-drawn pictures become digital picture books or animated films.
Coding 4 Kids - how children learn to program
Children of school age and older are increasingly interested in understanding programming and programming their first applications themselves. We take up this interest in our vacation programs, for example in coding camps for children aged 8 to 14. Here they can program drones or virtual worlds based on Swift. The highlight of the camp is a competition with the drones programmed by the children.
Parent app: Best contact with parents
The iPad and applications such as the parent app are also indispensable for communicating with parents. Thanks to digital communication, parents are always up to date and can, for example, take part in their child's everyday life at childcare center using photos. They can also easily sign their child out, e.g. in the event of illness. The information via the parent app does not replace a personal meeting at pick-up. However, thanks to the app, we spend less time on everyday matters such as meals and bedtimes and are better able to discuss what the child has experienced and how they have been throughout the day.
At our pme Academy, we also offer parents lectures on media education and dealing with media consumption and provide advice on these topics as part of our parent counseling service.
Easier work and increased expertise for educational professionals
The iPad helps educational professionals to professionalize and expand their skills. They get to know the functions and possible applications and transfer this knowledge to their educational work. Last but not least, iPads and the corresponding software can be used to simplify and professionalize work with parents.
Comprehensive infrastructure and comprehensive support
We provide all teaching staff with personalized iPads for their educational work as well as for organization and contact with parents. The comprehensive IT infrastructure as well as comprehensive training and support ensure sustainability and promote the professionalization of educational staff. Processes and management options such as DEP and MDM ensure that updates, apps and support options are available on a daily basis. As childcare center, we are an absolute pioneer with this comprehensive equipment.
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