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Leadership & HR

employee assisstance successfully: EAP study

The futurologists at GIM-Foresight conducted the empirical study "EAP-Success-Factors" on behalf of pme Familienservice . The study explores how employee assistance programs (EAP) are perceived and which components have an influence on employee acceptance and satisfaction.

The new empirical study "EAP-Success-Factors" by GIM-Foresight shows what is important for the acceptance and use of employee assistance programs/employee assisstance (EAP). The study explores how such programs are perceived and which components have an influence on employee acceptance and satisfaction.


Many companies see a growing need for measures to increase employer attractiveness, both in the context of attracting new employees and retaining their employees.

Young employees in particular have far more differentiated expectations when choosing a company. Organizations should show more consideration for employees' private lives, offer more flexibility in the context of mobile working and also pay more attention to a sustainable corporate culture that also takes employees' physical and mental well-being into account.

The characteristics of EAP programs/employee assisstance

Against this backdrop, companies are increasingly offering support services that are particularly dedicated to employees' professional and private issues. In Germany, the focus is often on work-life balance, but comprehensive health management is also increasingly being offered, with sports and relaxation programs, health advice and psychosocial counseling and coaching in difficult life situations.

The benefits of employee assisstance

Numerous studies prove the benefits of EAP offerings for companies and employees:

  • Retention of staff: Savings are achieved through lower staff turnover and the retention of employees with children or dependents in need of care.
  • Recruitment: Qualified staff and managers can be recruited, as surveys show that work-life balance is an increasingly important criterion for choosing an employer.
  • Reduced absenteeism: The number of sick days taken by employees decreases as family bottlenecks and health difficulties are minimized.
  • Increased performance: By reducing stress factors, employees can concentrate better on their work and at the same time prevent health problems.

A meta-study by management consultants Deloitte shows that the average return on investment (ROI ) for employers who invest in health-promoting measures is 1:5.3, i.e. for every euro that employers invest in such measures, they achieve an economic added value of 5.30 euros (Deloitte, 2022).

EAP programs are not a sure-fire success

The added value of EAP programs for companies is widely accepted today. However, it is often underestimated that the impact of support offers depends heavily on the specific design and communication of such measures. It is therefore not enough to offer just any program. The "EAP-Success Factors" study therefore explores how such programs are perceived and which components have a less strong influence on employee acceptance and satisfaction.

The results of the study will be presented in detail on November 14(register for the livestream). We are anticipating some of the findings here.

Study findings: a preview

employee assisstance is important for employees

In general, employee assistance programs are highly relevant for employees, especially when it comes to work-life balance measures. More than two thirds (70%) of respondents state that EAP offers from the company are important to them. This figure is even higher for managers (77%) than for employees (68%).

Graphic shows how many respondents answered that EAP is important to them.

Managers are the main users

Managers make use of EAP services far more frequently (87%) than other employees (50%). This indicates that managers are better informed about the offers and at the same time take advantage of such services much more naturally. It can also be assumed that high potentials now have a certain expectation of EAP services and that such services are increasingly important for the recruitment and retention of managers.

Graphic showing how many employees state that they use or have already used EAP.

What focus do employees want from EAP/employee assisstance ?

When asked which focus the survey participants would place on the expansion of EAP services, the focus is relatively evenly distributed between mental (35%), physical (35%) and work-life (30%) services. However, these preferences vary substantially depending on age, gender and the presence or absence of children. It is therefore hardly surprising that women (36%) and men (38%) with children place much more value on work-life balance options than women (22%) and men (24%) without children.

It also shows that the importance of physical health services increases with age. In the 18-29 age group, only 25% focus on expanding such offers, while the proportion of respondents over 60 is 54%. Conversely, mental health and work-life balance services are more important for younger employees under the age of 40.

Graphic showing which priorities respondents would like to see in EAP.


EAPs and programs for employee assisstance can have a positive impact on both employees and the company's image: from reducing stress and absenteeism, to promoting enjoyment of work and satisfaction with the employer, to supporting the image as progressive, innovative and employee-oriented.

The use of EAP is very pronounced among managers, while only 50 percent of the employees surveyed had used EAP. The following factors are particularly important for employee use: cost coverage by the employer, a wide range of offers, individual and flexible access and usage options, and fast access.

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The study design

From the end of May to the beginning of June 2023, the market research institute GIM-Foresight conducted a quantitative online survey in Germany, which took an average of 15 minutes to complete. The sample comprised a total of 1,000 employees, including 382 managers. All participants had to be employed in companies with at least 200 employees at the time of the survey. The sample size was deliberately chosen to ensure a comprehensive and multi-layered data basis for assessing the impact of EAPs on employee satisfaction and well-being in German companies. Participants were recruited via online access panels.


Deloitte (2022), Mental health and employers. The case for investment - pandemic and beyond, London, UK.

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