Multiplier training courses
For strong and healthy companies

Icon with two hands for BEM case monitoring

BEM case monitoring

BEM case supervisors coordinate occupational integration management in the company.

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Icon with people under one roof for generation managers

Generation Manager IHK

Certified training in cooperation with the IHK. Nine modules to become a generation manager.

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Icon with head as a symbol for first aid mental health

First aid mental health

Train your employees to become competent first aiders for psychological emergencies.

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Icon with three hands as a symbol for generation pilot

Generation lots:in

The training is aimed at employees who want to successfully mediate between the generations.

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Icon with heart as symbol for care pilot

Nursing pilots:in

Company care guides provide quick and uncomplicated initial guidance on all questions relating to work and care.

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Icon with two people as a symbol for everyday guidance

Everyday companion:in

Everyday companions accompany and support people in their homes and help them to organize their everyday lives.

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font, magenta, logo, symbol, graphic, circle, brand, crimson, rectangle, electric blue

30 years of expertise in the operational context

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Additional modules such as supervision can be booked

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Training courses can be booked individually & in-house

CTA form

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CTA form

Icon with two hands as a symbol for health promotion

Quick access to health promotion

Contact persons in the company ensure low-threshold access to initial advice on care, health and mental stress.

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Icon with two sockets as a symbol for employee networks

From employees for employees

Employees often feel more comfortable talking to internal consultants about personal issues because they have already established a basis of trust.

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Icon with two arrows as a symbol for expertise

Increase employees' professional competence

Equip your employees on site with the specialist skills that will keep your company healthy. This also ensures a connection to the business.

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Expand icon with magnifying glass as a symbol for networks

Expand networks within the company

Instead of spending money on external know-how, you build up a sustainable network of experts within your own company with the involvement of your employees.

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Icon with thumb pressing something, as a symbol for improving visibility

Improve the visibility of important topics

Where are your employees' problems? Together with multipliers, get to know and develop operational measures.

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Icon with dancing person as a symbol of motivation

Less absenteeism, higher motivation

With multipliers, you show appreciation towards your employees, thereby increasing motivation and reducing absenteeism.

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Calendar of events

Info webinar: Further training in "Mental health first aid"


Our multiplier training will start a new round from May 6, 2025 with four inspiring dates that will deepen your understanding of mental health and give you the tools you need to make a positive difference in your company. During the training, you will learn how to recognize mental stress at an early stage and provide empathetic support.

In our free information webinar on 18 March, you will learn everything you need to know about our training in advance.
Be part of this important initiative and set an example for mental health!

Booking status: free

Date: 18.03.25

Event days: 1

Time: 16:00 - 16:30

Format: Multiplier training

Venue: virtual

Booking number: VA_97431

Application deadline: 17.03.25

Costs: free of charge

Speaker: Cara Isabella Limburger, Petra Dinkelacker

Medium: Internet

Subject area: Life coaching

Target groups: Employees of the contractual partners, other interested parties

Notes: Registration directly via zoom:

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