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Parents with children at the lunch table at home
Eltern & Kind

Study: More mindfulness for children

What happens when we pay too little attention to our children? And how can we live more mindfully towards our children? 5 tips from the parenting advice service.

Do children and young people get enough attention from their parents? And what happens if not? This question was investigated by Bielefeld University on behalf of the Bepanthen Foundation. For the study, 1083 children in Germany and their parents were surveyed.

Almost one in three children feels they are not given enough attention

According to the study, a total of 1.9 million children in Germany feel that their parents do not pay attention to them. Almost one in three children between the ages of 6 and 11 (31%) and 17% of teenagers say they suffer from a lack of attention. The result is independent of socio-economic status, family constellation and migration background.

As bad as a life in poverty

According to the authors of the study, a lack of mindfulness is as serious for children's development as a life in poverty. There are deficits in various areas that affect their entire lives. Children who do not feel cared for feel far less secure than others and are less satisfied with themselves and their lives. In the survey, they also stated that they were unable to empathize and sympathize with others and did not share their fears and worries with their parents.

How to become mindful of children - 5 tips from parenting advice

By Julia Eck, specialist consultant from pme parent counseling

  1. Talk to your children regularly, for example at mealtimes together. Listen carefully when your child talks about school or kindergarten, friends and hobbies. Tip: Teenagers also appreciate parental attention, even if you don't always show it.
  2. Boost your child's self-confidence by encouraging their talents and strengths. Does he or she like playing soccer or would like to play an instrument? Sign them up for a club and encourage them to try out new things.
  3. Rituals strengthen family life and give children security and orientation. The "bedtime story", the hearty Sunday breakfast, the weekly games evening - all this gives the children a feeling of security.
  4. Ask your child about their feelings and concerns and take them seriously. Anyone who has learned to talk about their own feelings can also empathize with other people and be empathetic.
  5. Provide islands of calm: A family's everyday life is often strictly organized. Relaxation times together are therefore just as important as shared leisure activities - these in turn are a good opportunity for conversation.

Source: "Mindfulness in Germany: are our children missing out?"

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