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You can see psychologist Jeannette Ersoy and podcast host Olli Schmidt. And the title of the podcast episode

Living mindfulness | "Cheerful to stormy"

Episode 15: How do we learn mindfulness? And above all: How can we successfully integrate mindfulness into our everyday lives without stress?

Mindfulness, this inconspicuous but nevertheless very big term, has been attracting a whole wave of interest for some time now: if you google "mindfulness", you get over 16 million hits. There are countless mindfulness apps, books and guides. The Bosch technology group and the German Football Association (DFB) are both focusing on mental training. Magazines such as "Die Zeit" and "Süddeutsche" have already devoted several articles to the topic of mindfulness.

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But what exactly is mindfulness ? And above all: how can we successfully integrate mindfulness into our everyday lives - in such a way that it becomes a routine that is fun and energizes us? After all, we already have enough stress.

In our 15th episode, host Olli Schmidt talks to pme Academy trainer and stress coach Jeannette Ersoy about:

  • Practical and simple mindfulness exercises for everyday life
  • Why breaks are necessary and not a nice-to-have
  • Where mindfulness has already arrived in companies
  • What Generation Z thinks is right
  • Micro Habits: Integrating mindfulness into everyday life in small steps

Cheerful to stormy - the everyday podcast

Welcome to "Heiter bis stürmisch" - the everyday podcast with Olli Schmidt. Cheerful or saddened to death: life has ups and downs.

That's what we're all about: everyday crises such as arguments with your partner, parenting issues, stress at work, insecurities and anxiety. We talk to experts and give you practical tips to help you deal better with crises and challenges.

You can listen to our podcast on all known podcast platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, Audible etc.)!

Questions, suggestions, criticism, wishes? Feel free to write to us at:

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