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Leadership & HR

BEM Representative: All about training

The pme Familienservice has been successfully supporting employers for many years in the implementation of legally prescribed company integration management (BEM). It is now expanding its service with the training of BEM officers in companies. BEM expert Christiane Weidemann introduces the new service. 

According to SGB IX, all employers are obliged to offer company integration management (BEM) regardless of their number of employees and are responsible for implementing the procedure. The pme Familienservice supports employers in establishing a target-oriented, respectful and well-established BEM process within the company. We have been conducting BEM consultations for various companies with their employees for several years now. 

With the new training course to become a BEM case supervisor at pme Familienservice , you can put company integration management in your company on a firm footing. In four compact modules, we make your employees fit for the professional support of sick employees.

What are BEM officers?

BEM case supervisors control and coordinate the entire company integration management process in the company and help to successfully reintegrate sick employees and overcome incapacity to work.

Among other things, they perform the following tasks:

  • They manage the necessary measures that the person concerned needs for reintegration and to maintain their health or job. For example, they provide support in applying for rehabilitation or give tips on gradual reintegration.
  • They coordinate with the parties involved, such as managers, the works council or representatives for severely disabled employees, and moderate round-table discussions. 
  • They take over the coordination with service providers such as health insurance or pension insurance.
  • They take care of all the formal documents required for the BEM and keep the BEM file.

On request, the pme Familienservice supports and accompanies the BEM case supervisors in their tasks after successful training with case discussions and in-depth seminars. 

The benefits for you as an employer

  • Well-trained BEM case supervisors contribute immensely to a healthier company
  • The BEM is more likely to be accepted if it is carried out by trustworthy colleagues rather than the manager or HR manager.
  • As an employer, you are supported in complying with the legal requirements. 

Training as a BEM case supervisor - a selection of the contents 

Module 1: Basics

Legal basis - Objectives of the BEM - Process & forms - Data protection - Role of the case supervisor in the company

Module 2: Conversation and communication

Own attitude in the BEM discussion - communication models - obstacles and misunderstandings - successful communication

Module 3: Services provided by the rehabilitation providers and measures in BEM

Overview of service providers - possible measures - financial security - further support options

Module 4: Common clinical pictures and practical examples

Definition of health, illness and fitness for work - Illness statistics - Common physical and mental illnesses and their impact on work - Case studies.

Your advantages: individual, compact, flexible

  • Small groups with a maximum of 14 people
  • Exclusively for your company or company-wide 
  • 2 days of 6 hours each (virtual) or e.g. 2 in-house one-day seminars
  • Time for exchange and networking

The training is provided by experienced and CDMP-certified BEM consultants from the pme Familienservice

Find out more now!

Would you like to place the BEM in professional hands? We would be happy to take over all or part of your BEM process or advise you on the implementation of the procedure in your company.

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pme health: Effective BGM in blended learning format 

Our occupational health management (OHM ) services are characterized by their holistic approach and individuality. From strategy development and needs analysis to evaluation, we establish, supplement and optimize companies' occupational health management portfolios to keep their employees healthy, productive and motivated. 

Personal support for employees based on a new holistic mind-body & soul approach is one of our key factors and goes hand in hand with our blended learning concept. We combine digital and live formats to promote physical activity, nutrition, stress prevention and mindfulness and make our knowledge available regardless of time and place. 

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