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Occupational health management: measures, processes, benefits

Smart companies take care of their employees' health. Occupational health management (OHM) includes occupational health and safety, integration management and workplace health promotion. How does an OHM process work and how can OHM be implemented in a company? We answer all your questions.

What is occupational health management?

Occupational health management (OHM) is a proactive approach that holistically and systematically promotes and strengthens the health, performance and well-being of employees in the workplace within the corporate context.

Various measures, such as exercise programs, nutrition or addiction counseling and stress management, are used to create healthy working conditions and provide employees with health-promoting offers to prevent illness in the long term.

Is BGM required by law?

No, OHM is not a legal requirement in Germany. But it is highly recommended, as it promotes the health and well-being of employees and thus leads to a lower sickness rate and higher productivity. However, there are various legal requirements that oblige companies to look after the health of their employees.

These guidelines can serve as the basis for a comprehensive OHM:

  1. The German Occupational Health and Safety Act (ArbSchG) stipulates that employers must take measures to protect the physical and mental health of their employees. This includes, for example, carrying out risk assessments.
  2. The German Social Code (SGB IX) stipulates that employers are obliged to offer company integration management (BEM) for employees.
  3. Employer's liability insurance association regulations stipulate specific requirements for occupational safety in various industries and work areas.
  4. Other specific laws and ordinances, such as the Working Hours Act (ArbZG), the Workplace Ordinance (ArbStättV) or the Display Screen Equipment Ordinance (BildscharbV), contain regulations that also directly or indirectly affect health and safety in the workplace.

Benefits of occupational health management for companies and employees

Advantages of BGM for companies

  • Less sick leave and reduction in associated costs
  • Increased productivity and performance
  • Better working atmosphere
  • Higher employee satisfaction and employee loyalty
  • Greater attractiveness as an employer for new talent
  • Positive corporate culture

 Advantages of BGM for employees

  • Improved well-being
  • Healthier private and working life
  • Greater job satisfaction through improved workplace conditions

The 3 pillars of BGM

1. workplace health promotion (BGF)

Workplace health promotion is an important aspect of workplace health management. It aims to change the behavior of employees. Its aim is to improve and maintain the well-being and health of employees. The measures can be individually designed and include, for example, fitness programs, nutritional advice or stress management training. The benefits are manifold: from an improved working atmosphere and increased employee satisfaction to a reduction in sick leave.

2. company integration management (BEM)

Company integration management, or BEM for short, is intended to help reintegrate employees back into the work process after a long period of illness. It is enshrined in the German Social Code (SGB IX §167) and is mandatory for all employers if an employee has been ill for more than six weeks without interruption or repeatedly within a year. BEM is an independent process and includes all activities and services that serve to reintegrate employees after a long period of incapacity for work or to prevent them from being unable to work for a long period of time. The measures are individually tailored to the person concerned and can include, for example, adjustments to the workplace, changes to working hours or gradual reintegration.

3. occupational health and safety

Occupational health and safety involves the prevention of accidents, occupational illnesses and work-related health hazards through technical, organizational and personal protective measures. Legal principles, such as the Occupational Health and Safety Act (ArbSchG), provide the framework within which companies must act. Occupational health and safety measures include risk assessments, ergonomics in the workplace, protection against noise and hazardous substances and the provision of protective clothing.


Which companies should implement a BGM?

Every company, regardless of size and industry, should implement occupational health management. However, for smaller companies such as start-ups, for example, it can make sense to bring in external experts or work together with other small companies in order to pool resources and implement effective occupational health management measures. It is also possible to include financial support from health insurance companies and employers' liability insurance associations, for example.

Carry out BGM alone or with an external provider?

In principle, any company can introduce and implement OHM. It requires the active participation of all levels of the company, in particular the management, the HR department, the company doctors, the safety experts and the employees themselves. It can be useful to involve external experts in order to implement effective OHM measures. There are many providers of occupational health management on the market. These specialize in different aspects or individual pillars of OHM (BEM, BGF, occupational health and safety)

Some offer comprehensive programs that cover all of these areas. It is important that you choose the right provider for your company. For example, look at their experience, customer reviews and the fit between their portfolio and your needs. A good provider will always respond to the individual needs of your company and offer customized solutions. This is how you benefit most from occupational health management.

Who is allowed to carry out OHM in the company?

The implementation of OHM requires the involvement of various stakeholders who are key players and ideally come together in a steering group. These are often the management, the HR department or specially trained health managers. It is also possible to involve external providers who specialize in OHM. They bring expert knowledge and can respond individually to the needs of the company. Regardless of who implements the OHM, good communication and the active involvement of employees are important. This is the only way to ensure sustainable and successful health management in the company.

Players within the company

  1. Management should support and promote OHM, provide resources and establish a health-promoting corporate culture.
  2. Health manager: If there is a separate position for this, this person brings all the threads together, moderates the BGM steering group and controls the project management.
  3. The HR department plays a central role in the planning, implementation and evaluation of OHM measures.
  4. The works council or staff council should be involved in the planning and implementation of OHM measures and can act as an intermediary between employees and management.
  5. Company doctors and occupational safety specialists contribute medical and safety expertise and provide support in identifying health risks and developing preventative measures.
  6. Managers have a role model function and should actively support and live health promotion.
  7. Employees should be actively involved in the OHM process, e.g. by participating in surveys, health campaigns or in working groups.

 Players outside the company

  1. Health insurance companies and employers' liability insurance associations can provide financial support and expertise.
  2. External service providers such as the pme Familienservice, health consultants, psychologists or fitness and nutrition experts can offer specialized services and advice.
  3. Networks and associations offer platforms for the exchange of experience and can provide access to resources and best practices.


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What requirements must be met in order to introduce a OHM in the company?

To successfully introduce occupational health management, you need the support of management above all. A comprehensive analysis of working conditions and health risks also plays a key role. You should also appoint a responsible health manager to manage the OHM. It is also important to involve employees and take their needs into account. In addition, you should draw up a roadmap with specific measures and regularly check whether the set goals are being achieved. The help of external providers can be useful here.

What does a BGM process look like?

An OHM process always begins with a precise analysis of the company structure, the working environment and the current health situation in your company. In doing so, you identify potential resources and health risks. Objectives and measures are then developed. The implementation of these measures is continuously monitored and adjusted.

The process is cyclical, i.e. after the evaluation, the analysis starts again in order to achieve continuous improvements. Involve your managers and employees in the planning and implementation of OHM measures. This increases acceptance and effectiveness. Encourage your employees to participate in health programs and offer incentives. Don't forget to regularly review and adjust the success of your measures.

The steps of a BGM process

  1. Strategy development: When implementing OHM, a steering group should first be formed with the company's key players (see Who does OHM) in order to integrate OHM into all areas of the company and implement it in the long term. The company-specific goals of the OHM, the common understanding, the timetable for implementation and the existing resources should be defined. 
  2. Analysis and evaluation of working conditions: Recording and evaluation of the current situation based on available analyses, data and surveys in order to find out where the shoe pinches and which tailor-made measures can be implemented to promote health or reduce stress. The GBU Psyche (risk assessment of mental stress) can also be used as a basis to identify mental stress and risk factors in the workplace.
  3. Derivation of fields of action and measures: Based on the analysis, thematic fields of action should be defined and concrete measures planned. Synergies and existing offers and resources can be integrated. In addition, a communication plan should be defined to inform and involve managers and employees.
  4. Implementation of measures: Measures at the level of health promotion and prevention can be, for example, sports and exercise programs, nutritional advice or stress management, resilience seminars, digital apps such as Mindance etc. (integrate the ones from us here?) or work-life balance offers.
  5. Evaluation and continuous improvement: Regular review of the effectiveness of the measures implemented and adaptation to changing conditions and employee needs. In addition, documentation and reporting on participation and the success of the measures as well as continuous communication are carried out.


What factors are important when implementing a OHM?

Various factors are important for successful occupational health management.

  1. Holistic approach: OHM should take into account the physical and mental health of employees and include both behavioral and situational prevention. To this end, measures should not only focus on individual illnesses or risk factors, but rather a comprehensive concept should be developed that also includes working conditions, corporate culture and social aspects.
  2. Participation: The active involvement of all managers and employees in the OHM process. Possibilities for this are: Creating participation, obtaining feedback, communicating transparently and involving employees in the development and implementation of measures.
  3. Integration: By integrating OHM into the company's existing structures and processes, tasks can be distributed across several shoulders, synergies can be utilized and resources can be conserved. OHM should not be viewed as an isolated project, but should be integrated into the company's day-to-day processes and decisions.
  4. Continuous improvement: A continuous improvement process should be established in order to increase the effectiveness of the OHM. This can be achieved, for example, by regularly evaluating the measures, identifying the need for action and adapting the measures on the basis of the evaluation results.

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