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Graphic with podcast host Olli Schmidt and systemic coach Udo Maar

Episode 30: Correct gendering - is it necessary?

The topic triggers many a heated debate and has become one of the most discussed in society in recent years: Gendering. Olli Schmidt talks to expert Udo Maar about what language has to do with reality and how we can keep the conversation going even when completely different opinions are gathered around the table.

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"Do we really have to talk about it?". Around half of Germans think gendering is important, the other half think it's unimportant, and a few people have little to no opinion on the subject. At least these are the results of a study conducted by the Augsburg Institute for Generational Research.

Why does the topic of gendering feel so personal for many people? What emotions are behind the various arguments and how can we stay in conversation even if we have different opinions?

This time, podcast host Olli Schmidt has brought on board Udo Maar, a systemic business coach specializing in GSD coaching. GSD stands for Gender & Sexual Diversity Coaching.

If you want to find out more about your unconscious biases, you can test them here with the Harvard Implicit Association Test from Harvard University. And in the entertaining TED Talk "What does language have to do with reality?" you will find many exciting examples.

Cheerful to stormy - the everyday podcast with Olli Schmidt

Welcome to "Heiter bis stürmisch" - the everyday podcast. Cheerful or saddened to death: life has ups and downs. That's what we're all about: everyday crises such as arguments with your partner, parenting issues, work overload, insecurities and anxiety. We talk to experts and give you practical tips to help you deal with crises and challenges.

You can listen to our podcast on all known podcast platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, Audible etc.)! Questions, suggestions, criticism, wishes? Feel free to write to us at:

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