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Mother sits at the table with child and helps with homework
Parent & Child

Report card frustration: How to support your child

Poor grades, stress before moving on to secondary school: Christian Keller from the pme parent advice service gives tips on how you can support your child and relax family life.

The half-year report cards create a tense atmosphere in many families. However, if the grades are not as good as hoped for or the transfer to a secondary school is uncertain, pressure is counterproductive. It is better to talk to your child calmly, analyze the situation and look ahead.

Constructive discussions

Even if you are angry about poor grades, this should not be expressed in pressure and punishments. It is particularly important now to create a constructive atmosphere for discussion. During the conversation, also look at what went well in the past semester: In which subjects did the child get good grades or even improve? Why did they achieve this? Recognize these achievements and then consider how the grades in the other subjects can be improved.

Find out the causes

Has your child's school performance deteriorated overall? Then this could be because your child is not doing well at school. Perhaps it is not accepted in the class community? Or is he or she not coping with the increased demands of secondary school? Getting to the root of the problem is often the first step towards solving it. Also take a close look at the homework and learning situation: Does homework take place in a quiet atmosphere? Is the time well chosen - e.g. before or after play or exercise? Does the child need a break in between?

Seeking external support

Have you already tried many things and are at your wit's end? A good tutor could perhaps ease the homework situation at home and awaken a new joy in learning. A conversation with the teacher can also sometimes work wonders and open up new perspectives. And finally, there are numerous parent counseling centers that you can visit together with your child. Don't be shy! In our pme parent counseling service, we have found that small measures often have a big impact.

Looking ahead

A poor mid-year report does not mean that the school year is already lost. Pupils often make amazing progress in the second half of the year. Therefore, take the report as an interim assessment and think together about how to move forward. Agree on realistic goals and define small steps.

Choosing the right secondary school

About to change schools? When choosing a secondary school, consider your child's personality, their learning and performance development as well as their gifts and talents. Choose a type of school that promises a sense of achievement without underchallenging the child. And remember: it is still possible to switch between school types later on. The first choice of school after elementary school is not a final decision about the child's future career.

Creating school-free islands

School should not dominate family life. Try to keep certain times such as vacations or weekends free from the stress of school and do fun things together with your child. This is where children can recharge their batteries and gather strength for school.

Maternity protection, child benefit & co.: The pme parent advice service 

Our parent counselors support parents in all matters from pregnancy to the child's adulthood. Personal and confidential: we are there for you online, by phone or on site.

You can find more information about our parent counseling service here.

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