Learning disabilities in children: Diagnosis, treatment & help for parents
An F in the math test, an F in science - it can happen once in a while. But if bad grades pile up and the phase lasts longer, there may be a learning disability behind it. If neurological learning difficulties prevent your child from retaining and processing what they have learned or applying it in an unfamiliar context, then it is often not enough to study hard and practise the material. This article explains how parents should recognize and deal with learning difficulties in their children.
What are learning disabilities?
Learning disabilities are generally understood to be neurological conditions that influence and often make it difficult to learn and process information. Children with learning difficulties often find it difficult to learn certain skills that are important for school or coping with everyday life.
It is important to note that this is not because the child is too lazy or not smart enough. Rather, they have specific processing problems in the brain. These may be congenital or may have arisen as a result of various influences during early childhood development.
It is not always a learning disability when your child brings home poor grades. Sometimes performance also suffers due to school anxiety, stress, pressure to perform or because the teacher does not teach the material well. Learners also have different preferences when it comes to absorbing knowledge that is not sufficiently taken into account in lessons.
It helps if the child works with a tutor who can specifically address their individual needs. Learning platforms such as bidi.one make access easier. Over 1,000 tutors provide online tutoring in one-to-one lessons. The child can go through the material they are struggling with with their tutor from the comfort of their own home.
Recognizing learning disabilities: How do they manifest themselves?
Not all learning disabilities are the same. It makes a big difference whether a child suffers from ADHD or dyscalculia. The symptoms are correspondingly different.
Some of the most common learning difficulties in children are
As the name suggests, children with dyslexia have problems with reading, writing and spelling. They mix up letters. They omit syllables when reading. They tend to guess text content because they can't keep up with reading.
Calculation disorder (dyscalculia):
If children have difficulties with math, they may also have a math disorder known as dyscalculia. This learning disability can be recognized in children by the fact that they repeatedly find it difficult to count, calculate or understand mathematical relationships.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD):
Children with ADHD are often unable to concentrate well. They stand out at school due to their impulsive behavior. They are unable to sit still in their chair and follow the lesson. Teachers often describe them as "f idgeters", which is why ADHD is also commonly known as "fidgeting syndrome".
Coordination and developmental disorders (dyspraxia):
Children with dyspraxia appear clumsy and clumsy. The child's gross and fine motor skills and coordination are not developed in line with their age. At school, this manifests itself above all in the fact that the children take a long time to complete tasks. Problems with using scissors and pencils or coordination problems in sports lessons can also indicate this.
A highly gifted child can also show signs of a learning disability. This is because they have above-average abilities and grasp concepts very quickly for their age group. It often happens that they are so bored with their lessons that they make little effort, are not enthusiastic about the subject matter and have no desire to make an effort.
How can learning difficulties be diagnosed & treated?
In order to diagnose a learning disability, a thorough assessment of the child by specialists such as psychologists, teachers or doctors is required. They can make an accurate diagnosis using standardized tests, observations and interviews. A first step can be a visit to the pediatrician or a psychological counseling center.
The treatment of learning difficulties usually involves a combination of educational, therapeutic and supportive measures such as concentration exercises. All relevant stakeholders should develop a support plan tailored to the child's needs. This can include, for example, extra tuition, special learning strategies, support from special needs teachers or therapeutic approaches such as behavioral therapy.
What should parents do if they suspect a learning disability?
To ensure that your child receives prompt help with learning difficulties, it is important to act in good time. If you suspect that your child needs additional support, parents should proceed as follows:
Observe: If parents notice possible signs of a learning disability, it is advisable to observe them for some time. They should make a note of the symptoms and when they occurred so that they can report these observations to the doctor.
Communicate: Parents should talk to teachers and share information. Teachers can provide valuable insights and recommendations for further action. Also talk to your child about feelings and fears.
Seek professional advice: If a learning disability is suspected, parents should seek professional help. Psychologists, teachers or doctors can provide information and carry out a comprehensive assessment of the situation.
Act early: The earlier learning difficulties are recognized, the faster support measures can be taken. Parents should not wait until their child is at risk of failing and academic success is on the brink.
Overcoming concentration and learning difficulties together
Even though learning difficulties are often a major challenge for children and parents, they can be successfully overcome with appropriate support and early intervention. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial. Parents can help their child especially by paying attention to the signs, working with professionals and getting their children the help they need. In this way, they too can develop their full potential.
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