Apply for a mother-child cure and father-child cure: Here's how!
Are you overwhelmed by family or professional challenges, are you stressed and would like to apply for a mother-child or father-child cure? We'll show you how it works, what you should look out for when applying and at the spa clinic and what you can expect from a parent-child cure.
Table of contents
- What is a mother or father-child cure?
- Applying for a mother or father-child cure: steps at a glance
- Requirements for a mother or father-child cure: frequently asked questions
- How do I apply for a mother or father-child cure: frequently asked questions
- Tips for a successful application process
- Lodge an objection: What to do if the application is rejected?
- How do I find the right clinic for my mother or father-child cure?
- What can I expect during the cure?
- Aftercare and follow-up
- Did you know: Mother or father cures without children
- Free advice centers
What is a mother or father-child cure?
A mother or father-child cure is a medically prescribed time-out for mothers or fathers with their children. The aim is to improve health, prevent illness or treat existing complaints.
In such a cure, parents can recover from the daily routine while at the same time special therapies and training are offered. These cures are particularly helpful if you are exhausted by the double burden of work and family or if your child has health problems.
Applying for a mother or father-child cure: steps at a glance
1. you should first speak to your doctor, as you will need a medical justification/medical certificate for the cure. Once you have this, choose a suitable clinic. Make sure that the clinic is tailored to your needs.
2. then fill in the application form with your health insurance company . It is important to enclose all documents carefully. A personal letter in which you explain your situation and the need for treatment is often helpful.
Please note: Many facilities require approval from the health insurance company before making a reservation or booking.
3. be prepared for the possibility of a rejection that requires an objection. Stay persistent! An objection is not the end of the world and can often overturn the rejection with additional information.
4 Finally, don't forget to organize your travel and accommodation. Once everything has been approved, nothing stands in the way of your time off!
Requirements for a mother or father-child cure: frequently asked questions
When does a mother or father-child cure make sense?
A mother or father-child cure can be useful in many situations, especially if you as a mother or father are exhausted or suffer from health problems that also affect your child.
Typical reasons for a cure are
- Chronic diseases
- Mental stress such as depression or burnout
- Educational difficulties
- Separation from/by partner
A cure can also help single parents to recharge their batteries and strengthen their bond with their child.
You can take a cure test on the Müttergenesungswerk website. This will help you find out whether a cure would make sense for you.
Can both parents go to the spa?
Yes, it is generally possible for both parents to take part in a so-called parent-child cure or for the other parent to accompany the child. It is important to discuss this with your doctor beforehand and to clearly state the necessity in the application documents. If both parents are to actively participate in the cure, it should be clear from the application that all those involved are suffering from health problems and that the measure can bring about significant relief and health improvement for them.
As a rule, however, a cure is approved primarily for one parent and the child. However, with a well-founded justification and appropriate medical evidence, the participation of the other parent can also be approved. It is advisable to enclose all relevant documents and evidence with the application in order to increase the chances of a joint cure.
Can children come with me to the cure?
You can take your children with you. Sometimes it can be better for your recovery and health if you go to the spa without children. There are so-called mother's cures or father's cures for this, which are a special offer for parents who would like to take part in a preventive or rehabilitation measure alone (without children).
How old can the children be for a mother-child cure?
Children up to the age of 12 can normally take part in a parent-child cure. There is no age limit for children with disabilities. In exceptional cases, children up to the age of 14 may attend the cure.
Children, job, caring for grandparents and the many small everyday obligations, such as doing the laundry and baking the cake for parents' evening: if you think about everything and do most of it, you quickly fall into the mental load trap. What is your current mental load?
How often are parents entitled to a mother or father-child cure?
You have the right to a cure every four years. In special cases, this entitlement can also be claimed earlier if your health or that of your child requires it. It is important that the need is medically justified.
Consult your doctor to clarify whether a cure is necessary and how best to apply for it. Approval depends on your individual situation and will be checked by your health insurance provider.
If you would like to reserve or make a firm booking for a spa treatment, most facilities require that you have already received approval from your health insurance provider.
What does a mother-child cure or father-child cure cost?
The statutory health insurance funds cover the full cost of a mother-child or father-child cure. However, the statutory co-payment is usually 10.00 euros per day for adults; children are free of charge.
In order to have the costs covered, a doctor's prescription is required, which you submit to your health insurance company. After an examination, the health insurance company will decide whether to approve the treatment. If approved, the costs for accommodation, meals and therapeutic treatments will be covered. Private health insurance companies have their own regulations, so you should ask them directly. In some cases, a co-payment may also be required, but this does not apply to children and young people under the age of 18.
Please note: If you come to the spa by car, you may have to pay a parking fee. It is best to ask the spa clinic in advance how much you can expect to pay per day.
How long does a mother-child cure last?
A mother or father-child cure usually lasts three weeks. In some cases, it can be extended on request if medical reasons require it. It is important that you can concentrate on recovering and promoting the health of you and your child during this time.
The duration is set so that you have the opportunity to recharge your batteries and work on your health together with your child. After the cure, you should be able to return to everyday life with new strategies and a strengthened sense of well-being.
How do I find a suitable spa clinic?
Finding a suitable mother and child cure is not difficult if you follow a few tips. First of all, you should consider where your health problems lie.
Ask your health insurance company about approved spa clinics. Then get recommendations from your doctor or other patients. Look out for specialized facilities that cater to your needs.
Also think about the location of the clinic so that you are in an environment that is conducive to relaxation. Reviews from other spa participants can also help you get an impression of the quality and range of facilities.
How to apply for a mother-child cure: frequently asked questions
Applying for a mother-child cure is easy. Read the following section to find out how your application to the health insurance fund can be successfully approved.
1. you should first speak to your doctor to discuss the need for a cure. He or she can then issue you with a certificate confirming the medical necessity.
2. use this certificate to contact your health insurance fund and submit your application for a mother or father-child cure. The health insurance company will check your application and decide whether to approve it. If your application is rejected, you have the option of lodging an appeal.
It is important that you do not get discouraged and carefully compile all the necessary documents. The better you prepare your documents and explain why the treatment is urgently needed, the more likely it is to be approved.
How long does it take to apply for a mother or father-child cure?
The duration can vary. Once you have submitted the application to your health insurance provider, they usually have around three to five weeks to make a decision. It is important that your application contains all the necessary documents so that there are no delays. Sometimes it can be quicker if all the requirements are clear and no further inquiries are necessary.
If your application is rejected, you have the right to lodge an appeal within one month. So allow some time for the entire process.
Who prescribes a parent-child cure?
A parent-child cure is usually prescribed by your family doctor, pediatrician or another specialist. If you notice that everyday life is overwhelming you and you can no longer cope with the stress or are burdened by an illness, talk to your doctor about it. He or she will assess your situation and can recommend a cure if it is indicated. This will then be noted on a special application form, which is necessary for the application to your health insurance company.
It is important that you discuss all relevant complaints and stresses with the doctor so that the need for the cure can be clearly explained.
Can I choose the location for the mother-child cure?
Yes, you have the so-called "right to request and choose". This is legally regulated in accordance with §8 SGB IX.
Can I bring a dog to the spa?
Of course, it is often possible to take your dog with you on a mother or father-child cure. However, this depends on the clinic, as not all facilities are set up for animal companions. It is best to find out directly from the clinic whether dogs are allowed and what conditions apply before applying. Some places even offer special services for four-legged friends.
Remember that your dog should be vaccinated and have liability insurance so that everyone is on the safe side. It is also advisable to find out about the area surrounding the clinic to see if there are enough places for your dog to run around. This way, you can start your treatment relaxed and know that your faithful companion is well looked after.
What happens after the application?
After you have submitted your application for a mother or father-child cure, the health insurance company will check your documents. This may take a few weeks. As a rule, you will then receive written feedback. If you are accepted, you can arrange an appointment with the spa clinic.
If the application is rejected, you have the right to lodge an appeal. Your health insurance company will inform you about the next steps and which documents may still be required. It is important that you remain in contact with your health insurance company throughout the entire process in order to clarify all the necessary steps.
Am I on sick leave during the cure?
If your doctor prescribes a spa treatment, your employer must release you from work for this. This means that you do not have to take leave for the cure. You are considered to be on sick leave during the cure and will receive the continued payment of wages that applies to you under the Continued Payment of Wages Act.
If your child travels with you, they will be exempt from school for the duration of the cure. In most facilities, lessons are offered alongside school.
Tips for a successful application process
A mother or father-child cure can help if you and your offspring need a break from everyday life. Here are a few tips to ensure that the application goes smoothly:
1. medical certificate: Obtain a meaningful medical certificate from your doctor confirming the necessity of the cure.
2. define the exact success of the cure: Be clear about what you want to achieve - whether it's recovery, treatment or prevention.
3. inform your health insurance company: Clarify in good time with your health insurance company which documents are required.
4. completeness of the documents: Make sure that all application forms are filled out completely and truthfully.
5. describe your personal situation: Your individual situation should be clearly recognizable in the application in order to underline the urgency.
With these tips, nothing stands in the way of your relaxation!
Lodge an objection: What to do if the application is rejected?
If your application for a cure has been rejected, don't be discouraged. An appeal is often successful. Here are some tips on how you can proceed:
1. observe the deadlines: As a rule, you have four weeks to lodge an objection. The period begins with the receipt of the rejection notice.
2. read the reasons: Take a close look at why your application was rejected. It is often due to missing documents or insufficient justification.
3. medical support: Obtain a detailed medical certificate confirming the necessity of the cure.
4. formulate precisely: Write a clear and precise objection. Explain why the cure is important for you and your child.
5. submit supporting documents: Enclose all relevant medical documents with your objection.
6. use advice centers: If you are unsure, social associations or advice centers can provide support.
How do I find the right clinic for my mother-child cure?
Choosing the right clinic is crucial to the success of your treatment. Write down what is important to you and what needs you and your child have. Consider the health requirements, location and facilities of the clinic. Cure clinics often offer programs tailored to specific problems such as exhaustion or stress management.
Questions you can ask yourself in advance could be:
- Large or small spa home?
- Which pedagogical concept is important to me?
- Homeopathic vs. conventional medicine?
- Location, place and distance?
Find out from your health insurance provider which spa clinic is in their network. Often these clinics have already received good reviews from other parents. You can also use testimonials on the Internet to get an impression of the atmosphere and the services offered by the spa clinic. Do not hesitate to contact the clinics directly and ask questions.
It doesn't always have to be a spa home that cooperates with the health insurance company. There are also spas that are not on the list and you can get a place.
What can I expect during the cure?
Are you wondering what to expect during a mother and child cure? Prepare yourself for a time in which your health comes first. You will receive professional care and can take part in therapies that are specially tailored to your needs.
There is a varied childcare program for your children so that they can also relax and have fun. Joint activities strengthen your family bond while you also find time for yourself. Nutritional advice, stress management courses and relaxation exercises are just a few examples of the extensive range of activities on offer.
Aftercare and follow-up
Once back home, it is important to maintain the new routines and continue to take time for your own health and that of your children. It is advisable to develop an aftercare plan together with the therapists during the treatment. This plan can include, for example, regular exercise, nutritional tips or relaxation techniques that you can integrate into your everyday life.
Sometimes spa clinics also offer aftercare meetings where you can exchange ideas with other spa participants. Remember that implementing what you have learned into your everyday life is crucial for the long-term effects of the cure.
Did you know: Mother or father cures without children
What many parents don't know: In addition to the well-known mother-child cure or father-child cure, there is also a pure mothers' cure or fathers' cure.
Maternity/paternity cures are a special offer for parents who wish to take part in an inpatient medical preventive or rehabilitation program without children.
A mother/father cure can be applied for if there is a need for prevention and rehabilitation.
It is also a prerequisite that the children live in the household and are not older than 17.
A maternity cure is a sensible alternative to a mother-child cure if:
- Childcare is arranged at home.
- you need time out on your own to get well again.
- The children are healthy.
No children also means no distractions. This means that the focus is entirely on yourself, which can be extremely important, especially for certain specialty cures (e.g. bereavement, relatives in need of care or after chemotherapy)!
A maternity cure/paternity cure is NOT a rehabilitation measure and is NOT applied for or covered by the pension insurance provider.
Free advice centers
Under the following link you will find advice centers clearly arranged according to postal code areas. The advisors will assist you with the application process and find the right spa clinic with the best spa program for you and your family. Free of charge!
Customers of the pme Familienservice can obtain free advice from the pme specialist advisory service.