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Podcast graphic of episode 11 with the characters Olli Schmidt and Alexandra Rettinger

Episode 11: Grief: How can I deal with it?

Episode 11: In this podcast episode, we talk to psychologist Alexandra Rettinger about the complex feeling of grief, what death and saying goodbye entails and how we can deal with it.

It is quite natural to grieve when you have to say goodbye to someone. But how a person grieves and for how long varies greatly.

Grief is an individual process. In addition to strong psychological side effects, many people also experience physical reactions such as abdominal pain or insomnia. Others experience anger or feelings of guilt. This is all part of the grieving process.

"Those around us often react strangely to the grief reactions," explains psychologist Alexandra Rettinger. "It's not uncommon for the grieving person to ask themselves: Am I still normal?".

As a life situation coach at pme Familienservice , Alexandra Rettinger accompanies group coaching sessions with mourners, among other things.

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In the 11th episode of "Heiter bis stürmisch", podcast host Olli Schmidt talks to psychologist and life coach Alexandra Rettinger:

  • What is grief?
  • What emotional and physical effects does grief have on the body and mind?
  • What phases of grief are there?
  • What can I do to deal with grief and support myself or others?
  • When should I seek professional support?
  • Which mourning rituals can help?

Cheerful to stormy - the everyday podcast with Olli Schmidt

Welcome to "Heiter bis stürmisch" - the everyday podcast with Olli Schmidt. Cheerful or saddened to death: life has ups and downs.

That's what we're all about: everyday crises such as arguments with your partner, parenting issues, stress at work, insecurities and anxiety. We talk to experts and give you practical tips to help you deal better with crises and challenges.

You can listen to our podcast on all known podcast platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, Audible etc.)!

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