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Campaign image for the campaign Unspeakable - Cancer in everyday working life

Launch of the campaign "Unspeakable? Cancer in everyday working life"

#ÜberKrebsSprechen: With the campaign "Unspeakable? Cancer in everyday working life" campaign, we are putting the spotlight on employees with cancer and their relatives. We explain the challenges that this serious illness brings with it in terms of psychological stress, communication and financial and organizational aspects. The campaign starts on January 31, 2024.

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Talking about cancer is difficult: anyone who receives a diagnosis has their life completely turned upside down from one day to the next. Suddenly there are countless doctors' appointments, fears, physical impairments, worries about social exclusion and financial strain. If, in addition to the illness, there is also the fear of no longer being fully operational at work, then this puts an unimaginable strain on the psyche.

Cancer in everyday working life - a taboo?

People who have been diagnosed with cancer are devastated and at the same time face very practical questions: How can I discuss my illness with my manager and my team? How do I get through the treatment and can I continue to do my job properly? How can I get back to work after a long period of illness? What financial risks will I face?

A working environment that promotes open communication and offers support is therefore an enormous help for those affected and their relatives.

Support for family members and managers

The diagnosis is also a great burden for those close to the patient - there is the fear of losing a loved one and the need to provide as much support as possible and to follow all the steps that are necessary during cancer treatment.

Last but not least, HR managers and executives need the necessary knowledge, empathy and sensitivity to support their team members - whether they themselves are ill or relatives of those affected - in this very difficult phase of their lives.

Unspeakable? We want to #TalkAboutCancer

With several free webinars, podcasts and information articles, we provide guidance and support to those affected, relatives, HR managers and executives on how to deal with a cancer diagnosis, where to find financial support and how to talk to their manager and colleagues about it.

With the webinars , we also want to offer an open space for exchange - for those affected and their relatives.

An important part of the campaign are employees of the pme Familienservice who have cancer or are affected by relatives with cancer. From "Unspeakable" to "Inaudible": We want to take the time to talk about cancer because the disease should not be a taboo in everyday working life.

Video shoot for the campaign "Unspeakable? Cancer in everyday working life"

The campaign starts on January 31, 2024.

You can find all the campaign activities on Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook under the hashtag #ÜberKrebsSprechen.

All info: familienservice



February 7, 2024, 5 to 6 p.m.

A cancer diagnosis hits people in the middle of their everyday lives and triggers a wave of uncertainty and fear. The webinar is intended to offer guidance, hope and community during this challenging time.  

With: Dr. Udo Woertelboer, specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy and Oliver Schmidt, systemic coach, pme Familienservice

More info & registration: world cancer day impulse webinar




February 29, 2024, 2 to 4 p.m.

Author and communications trainer Nicole Staudinger was diagnosed with breast cancer herself at the age of 32. She shares her knowledge in the HR Forum: How can I communicate in the company as someone affected? How do I deal with a sick person as a manager?

Eldercare expert Jürgen Griesbeck discusses organizational aspects and Michael Kunkel - himself a relative of a cancer patient - addresses the challenges faced by working relatives of sick people.


  • Nicole Staudinger, bestselling author of "Brüste umständehalber abzugeben: My life between children, career and cancer" (Eden Books 2015)
  • Jürgen Griesbeck, Homecare Eldercare Expert, pme Familienservice
  • Michael Kunkel, systemic coach, pme Familienservice, in discussion with representatives of our client companies

Free registration for the HR Forum:


Do you have any questions or would you like to get in touch with us?

Project management

Astrid Lethert


Martina Mann


About the pme Familienservice

As a provider of employee assistance programs, pme Familienservice accompanies people in a wide variety of life situations and supports employees of its client companies in private and professional crises - including with psychosocial counseling and a 24/7 hotline.

That's why we see it as our job to make employers aware of difficult challenges that can affect their employees and teams, such as cancer in the workplace.

With expert presentations, group coaching sessions, personal advice and mental strengthening in the Mindance app, we offer support for HR managers and executives who are directly or indirectly affected by cancer.

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