Quarrels on vacation: Why is there a crisis now? | "Cheerful to stormy"
Episode 2: Relationship-killer vacation: "Go on vacation as a couple, come back as a single!"
Instead of intimate togetherness and romance under the palm trees, there are fierce arguments. Why do so many couples break up after their vacation - and how can things be different? The second episode of our new podcast series "Heiter bis stürmisch" is all about a hot topic: "Relationship killer vacation: On vacation as a couple, back as a single!"
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To the data protection settings "Why do so many couples break up after a vacation? How can couples avoid stress in advance? And what can we do if things do break up?
Podcast host and life situation coach Olli Schmidt talks to Dagmar Cassiers, relationship and sex therapist and couples counselor at pme Familienservice.
5 tips against arguments on vacation
Vacation tip 1: Clarify your ideas
Discuss before the vacation how each of you would like to spend your time together. Should it be an adventure vacation or do you need plenty of time to relax? Before you leave, clarify what wishes and needs each of you has and think together about how you can meet them.
Vacation tip 2: Don't have too high expectations
Don't expect too much from your vacation and don't be disappointed if not everything is perfect! Your partner can't always be in a good mood and ready for everything. Just embark on the vacation adventure, with everything that comes with it.
Vacation tip 3: Do something on your own sometimes
Hanging out together 24 hours a day on vacation is often not conducive to harmony. Do something on your own from time to time. If one person wants to go to a museum, the other can relax and read a book by the pool. And you'll look forward to the evening together all the more. If there are children, couples should make sure they do things on their own and leave the children in care.
Vacation tip 4: Solve problems beforehand
If you have an issue that is bothering you in the relationship, don't expect it to be resolved on vacation. Clear up problems and misunderstandings in advance so that they don't escalate and become entrenched during your vacation.
Vacation tip 5: Focus on the positive
If things do break down on vacation, don't stay in negative mode. Focus on the positive things you appreciate about your partner and don't hesitate to compliment them. Then the storm clouds will soon blow over again.
Cheerful to stormy - the everyday podcast with Olli Schmidt
Our podcast "Heiter bis stürmisch" is about everyday crises: Arguments with your partner, parenting issues, stress at work, insecurity and anxiety.
Olli Schmidt, life situations coach in our Hamburg team, talks to experts about the highs and lows of life and gives tips suitable for everyday use.
The podcast appears every four weeks and is presented by pme Familienservice. You can listen to it on Mein.Familienservice.de and on all the usual podcast portals.
Have fun listening!